Oaks Pioneer Chapel: Amenities
We are prepared to make your day go more smoothly by providing some great amenities and conveniences to our guests and yours.
- Seating and room for 75 persons including wedding party
- Handicap accessible via west entrance
- An antique pump organ available for music
- Separate dressing room and restroom with large mirrors on premises
- Garment armoires and coat rack for safe clothing storage during your event
- Umbrella stand with courtesy umbrellas in case of unexpected rain
- Side path to conveniently and discreetly access the chapel from the west side of the building
- Outdoor drinking fountain in front bricked courtyard
- On site courtesy hosts to assist with any concerns or logistics
- Desk near the chapel entrance for sign-ins, gift placement or other needs
- Need something special? Ask us! We really do enjoy making all the little things possible!
You can view our floorplan for more specifics and the layout of our facilities.